Written Invitation Letter

     Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Bandung
                        Jl. Belitung number 8
    Telp (022) 4235154 Faks. (022) 4214420
      Website : http://www.sman3bdg.sch.id
                                                       June 5th, 2019
Mr. Paul Alexander
Jakarta Street

Subject : Graduation Ceremony

Dear Mr. Paul,
      It is so pleasure to inform you that the national exams had been done and the graduation ceremony will be held. Further to our letter before about national exams result, we invite to come to 3 Senior High School Bandung's Graduation Ceremony, with will be held,
       Date : Saturday, June 15th, 2019
       Place : 3 senior High School Bandung's.      New Hall
       Time : 8 - 10 am
      Thank you for your time, please feel free to contact Amelia on this number 083789562589 or email ohameliagadisciliklincahnian@gmail.com for any quires.


Mrs. Desi


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