
Edupasion is an annual event of 3 Senior High School, Bandung. The event was intended for all 3 Bandung high school students. The purpose of this event is to facilitate and help the students to choose their universities. There are many booths there. There are several state universities such as UI, UGM, ITB, UNPAD, and many more. Not just state university, there're also private University such as UNPAR, Maranatha, UNISBA, and many more. From all of them, I visited PKN STAN presesentation. I go there because I want to know what are the conditions for studying at STAN. STAN graduates will be appointed as civil servants. There are several tests that must be followed to enter STAN. The first is TKD, and then physical tests, and finally interviews. So many things obtained from the presentation. But this is only a description of the previous year's test. For the full information, you can check in this link Maybe that's all I can explain about edupassion this year, so I'll see Edupassion next year!


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